Tuesday 5 August 2014

Rafting in Nepal

White Water River Rafting in Nepal - The fact that you want to raft down Nepal's challenging rivers means that you have long ago graduated from the nursery school of "Row, row, row you boat" The many "raft-able" rivers in Nepal meander between canyons villages and virgin forests, wildlife, like needle through thread weaving the country's rich tapestry of ethno-culture and bio-diversity. Originating in the bowels of the Himalayas. these rivers flow across the length and breadth of Nepal and neighboring India, before emptying mostly into the Bay of Bengal.

What we provided:

All Rafting and Kayaking Equipment Waterproof bags for personal gears | Helmet Life Jacket | Paddle Transportation | Food Kayak & Raft Instructions | Camping and Cooking Equipments Waterproof Barrels & First aid kit

What you need:

Sleeping Bag & Mat | T-Shirt & Shorts | River Sandal | Sun Tan Lotion-Lip Cream | Towel | Personal Toiletries | Water Bottle | Torch Light | Sun Glass | Camera (We have waterproof containers, | final responsibility is yours) | Half Pant | Sun Hats.

River Classification of Difficulty:

Class: 1 Easy:

Moving water with occasional small rapid, few or no obstacles. 

Class: 2 Moderate:

Small rapid with regular waves. Some manoeuving required but easy to native.

Class: 3 Difficult:

Rapids with irregular waves and hazards that need avoiding.More difficult manoeuving required but routes are normally obvious. Scouting from the shore is occasionally necessary.

Class: 4 Very Difficult:

Large rapid that require careful manoeuving. Dangerous hazards. Scouting from the shore is often necessary and rescue is usually difficult. kayakers should be able to roll. Turbulent water & large irregular waves may flip rafts. In the event of a mishap there is significant risk of loss, damage and/or injury.

Class: 5 Extremely difficult:

Continuous, powerful, confused water makes route finding difficult and scouting from the shore is essential.Precise manicuring is critical and for kayakers, rolling ability needs to be 100%. Rescue is very difficult or impossible and in the event of a mishap there is a significant hazard to life.

Class: 6 Nearly impossible:

Difficulties of class 6 carried to the extremely of navigatibility. Might possibly (but not probably) be run by a team of experts at the right water level in the right conditions with all possible safety precautions, but still with considerable hazard to life.


October through mid-December and March through early May are the best times. It is possible in winter, but you have to watch out for hypothermia. During monsoon (June to September), the white water sections are dangerous, but gentler stretches are run-able.

Trisuli Rafting - 

Nepal's Most Popular Rafting River - Trisuli - The Gorge of the Trisuli - just 3 hours from Kathmandu. Embodies a blend of celestial vistas, varied wildlife as well as whitewater fun. Big bouncy waves, helty holes, and tricky chutes all go towards making an exhilarating ride to remember with a combination of grade II+ and III+ rapids with some IV'a in the post monsoon season...... Rapids such as Snell's Nose. Teen Devi, Ladies Delight, Upset and the aptly named Surprise rapid.

On our overnight rafting schedule the evening's campsite is nestled on the sandy banks of the river. We have dinner surrounded by the tranquil setting of the Trisuli valley. We sit by candle light discussing experiences and playing ludicrous games. The next day the rafting ends with lunch before boarding our bus to Pokhara (Approx. 3 hours) or back to Kathmandu 4 hours or Chitwan 2 hours.

Trip Profile:

Duration: 1 or 2 Days
Departure Point: Kathmandu / Pokhara
Rafting Starting Point: Charudi
Rafting Ending Point: Mugling
River Grade - Class II-III
River Distance: 40 Kms
Onward Travel Time: 2.5 hrs
Return Time: 4 hours (Pokhara / Kathmandu / Chitwan)
Chitwan: 2 hours / 4 Hours Pokhara & Kathmandu
Departure: Every Day


Day 01:
Kathmandu - Charaudi 3 hours by bus. Your rafting starts after your guide instruct you about the trip. Presence of many rapids makes this part the best for white water rafting. After 2 hours rafting, we make a lunch break and continue again and camp at Kurintar.

Day 02:
Trip commences after breakfast and continues up to lunch break. It resume after lunch and trip ends at Pachkilo. You can either return to Kathmandu or proceed to Pokhara or Chitwan National Park

Every Day Round the Year.

October through mid-December and March through early May are the best times. It is possible in winter, but you have to watch out for hypothermia. During monsoon (June to September), the white water sections are dangerous, but gentler stretches are run-able.

Transportation, Accommodation Tented Camp, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner + Paddle, Life Jacket, Helmet, Safty Barrel etc.

Tour Cost:

Similarly there are advantageous river area we offer for rafting :
- Bhotekoshi
- Kaligandaki
-Karnali river rafting
- Marsyangdi river rafting
-Seti river rafting
-Sunkoshi river rafting


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