Pashmina is known as wool (Cashmere) but it grows on the underside of the Mountain Goats. Mountain Goats in Nepal known as Chyangra. Chyangra's are the inhabitant of the great Himalayan mountain range including Mt. Everest and Mt. Annapurna. Pashmina Shawl are also known as cashmere shawl. First time this types of Shawl are manufactured in Kashmir and it speared all over the world. The Pashmina Shawl are very soft and worm. High quality Pashmina Shawls are made from the finest, softest and lightest high quality wool from the mountain Goats.
Pashmina shawls are fashion in high income society in Nepal. Pure Pashmina Shawl are expensive, very light, attractive, warm and beautiful. The quality and varieties of Pashmina products have been improving every year. The best Pashmina product in the market are Shawls, Scarves and sweaters. Handicraft shop provide you very high quality Pashmina product with in very reasonable price.
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